Dead stock is a common problem for retailers, resulting in excess inventory that takes up valuable warehouse space and affects the company’s bottom line.
If you have a passion for fashion and want to work in the luxury retail industry, becoming a luxury retail buyer might be the perfect career path for you.
In today’s competitive retail landscape, it is essential for store owners to continually find ways to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.
The retail industry has been witnessing a significant shift towards self-checkout systems, as stores like Kohl’s consolidate their checkout areas to create a more efficient and streamlined shopping experience.
The success rate of new products launched into retail stores varies depending on the source. According to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, approximately 95% of the 30,000 new products introduced each year fail.
Visual merchandising is a crucial aspect of retail that involves the presentation and display of products in a store to attract customers and drive sales.