The United States saw a significant portion of its retail purchases returned, with just over 16% of online purchases were returned.
The recommerce market witnessed a significant shift in consumer behavior, with 85% of shoppers purchasing or selling secondhand items.
Recent investigations have uncovered alarming lead levels in fashion accessories sold at off-price retailers, including Ross and Burlington.
In the vibrant Canadian retail market, numerous companies compete for consumer spending, offering a wide range of products and services.
As a globally recognized retail expert, Jeanel Alvarado is a sought-after speaker for industry publications, events and conferences due to her expertise in marketing, e-commerce, merchandising, technology, and direct-to-consumer operations.
The global fashion retailer, H&M has been making waves with its innovative approach to customer loyalty.
As a globally recognized retail expert, Jeanel Alvarado is a sought-after speaker for industry publications, events and conferences due to her expertise in marketing, e-commerce, merchandising, technology, and direct-to-consumer operations.