Neiman Marcus, a prestigious department-store chain known for its luxurious and unique merchandise, has partnered with the French luxury fashion brand Balmain to create an exclusive pop-up store showcasing their collaboration with Mattel's iconic Barbie. The pop-up store, which runs from January 13th to January 30th, is located at the Neiman Marcus NorthPark location in Dallas, Texas.
The Balmain x Barbie pop-up experience offers customers a chance to interact with the limited-edition unisex collection in a setting inspired by the glass pavilion of the Grand Palais in Paris. Complete with Parisian park benches and a pedestrian garden reminiscent of the famous Tuileries, the pop-up store provides a truly immersive shopping experience. Weekend activations include a live DJ set, a custom cotton candy machine, and photo opportunities in a life-sized Barbie doll box.
This exclusive partnership celebrates Neiman Marcus' 10-year relationship with Balmain and highlights the extensive product assortment available at the luxury multi-brand retailer. The limited-edition collection features men's and women's apparel, shoes, and handbags, with prices ranging from $295 to $42,494.
Exclusive styles available at Neiman Marcus include a Maxi Monogram Dress for $8,495, a Boat Neck Balmain Printed Sweat Dress for $1,395, and an Oversize Denim Jacket with Embroidered Badges for $5,350.