The renowned rapper, Cardi B has teamed up with Reebok to launch her first-ever clothing line. This collaboration is a part of Cardi B's ongoing partnership with Reebok, which began in 2018 and has already seen the release of two footwear styles: the Club C Cardi and Club C Double sneakers. The new apparel collection, called "Summertime Fine Collection," was launched on April 23rd, 2021, and features athleisure wear and accessories for women and kids inspired by Nineties club fashion, beach workouts, and the Coney Island boardwalk.
Reebok worked closely with Cardi B on the designs, which include track jackets, workout bras, and tights in monochromatic colors. The collection also features Cardi's signature waist-cinching details and strategically placed cutouts. Cardi B played an active role in selecting the fabrics, ensuring they are comfortable and functional for workouts or everyday lounging at home.
The final Reebok x Cardi B collection, titled "Let Me Be... Next Level Energy," was released on December 5, 2022. This collection includes bold and energy-filled pieces such as the Cardi B Jumpsuit, Cardi B Bodysuit, Cardi B Woven Jacket, Cardi B Woven Pant, and Cardi B Legging Short. The apparel is available in women's sizes ranging from 2XS to 4X, catering to a wide range of body types.
In addition to the apparel, the Reebok x Cardi B collaboration also features footwear, including the Club C Cardi V2 in emerald, which is exclusively available on The prices for the footwear range from $80 for the Cardi Coated Club C Double sneakers to $150 for the Emerald colorway.
Cardi B's collaboration with Reebok has been a successful partnership, with Todd Krinsky, CEO at Reebok, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to work with such a passionate, iconic, and talented artist. The collaboration has focused on inclusivity and self-expression, leaving a lasting impact on the brand and its customers.