Frank Ocean, the renowned musician, has ventured into the world of luxury jewelry with the launch of his brand, Homer. Founded in 2018 and commercially launched in New York City in August 2021, Homer is an independent American luxury jewelry and accessories brand that offers a range of exquisite pieces.
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The name Homer pays homage to the Ancient Greek author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, symbolizing the act of carving history into stone. The first collection from Homer comprises fine and high jewelry pieces, as well as printed silk scarves. These pieces are handcrafted using 18K gold, recycled sterling silver, hand-painted enamel, and American lab-grown diamonds.
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Homer's jewelry line includes diamond-encrusted bracelets, cartoonish enamel pendants in various shapes and sizes, patterned silk scarves, and gold rings sculpted into the word "OK." The most expensive piece in the collection is the XXXL H-Bone ring, crafted from 18 karat gold and encrusted with princess-cut and lab-grown diamonds, selling for a staggering $25,570.
The products are designed by Homer in New York City and handmade in Italy, with the diamonds sourced from Homer's state-of-the-art lab in America. The inspiration behind the designs stems from childhood obsessions and the concept of heritage as a fantasy.
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Homer's prices range from $400-$600 for buckles, rings, and pendants to $2 million for one diamond-studded necklace. The Homer jewelry store, located at 70-74 Bowery, New York, is the only place to purchase these exclusive pieces. Customers can book store appointments through the Homer website or request catalogs featuring products and photography by Frank Ocean.
While fans may have initially hoped for new music from Frank Ocean, the launch of Homer showcases his multifaceted talents and creative pursuits. With its unique designs and luxurious materials, Homer is set to make a mark in the world of high-end jewelry.