Chanel, the iconic French luxury fashion house, has recently dismissed rumors of planning an initial public offering (IPO). In an interview with the Financial Times, the company's CEO, Leena Nair, confirmed that Chanel will continue to operate as a private and independent entity. This decision comes amid speculation surrounding the brand's future after Nair's appointment as CEO in January 2022.
Ownership of Chanel is divided among members of the Wertheimer family, who have been associated with the company since the 1920s. Alain and Gerard Wertheimer, grandsons of one of the original owners, currently control the company. Under Nair's leadership, Chanel remains cautiously optimistic about the future of the luxury goods market, with hopes that demand from China will boost its revenues.
Nair also emphasized the brand's commitment to sustainability, stating that Chanel must encourage customers to buy less but of better quality in order to "decouple" revenue growth from sales volumes. The company plans to invest in carbon capture technologies to reduce its carbon footprint. To differentiate itself from competitors and create deeper emotional connections with its customers, Chanel has prioritized delivering exceptional customer experiences, including opening private salons for high-spending customers.
Since the pandemic, Chanel products have experienced significant price increases, with some handbags now costing more than 70 percent compared to 2019 prices. Luxury brands are investing heavily in providing outstanding customer value to justify these high prices.
According to data from Bain & Company in 2020, luxury shoppers make up only about 10 percent of the global population but account for roughly 60 percent of total luxury sales, indicating the importance of this influential and valuable minority group for luxury brands.