Footwear news and trends daily in the retail industry, covering topics in business, luxury, beauty, fashion and lifestyle.
Canada Goose released a preview of the campaign for its premier Footwear Collection, featuring stories from Romeo Beckham; Indigenous Artist & Activist, Sarain Fox; and Indigenous Leader & Former NHL Player, Jordin Tootoo.
Building on the success of the first Grant Program earlier this year in partnership with IFundWomen, Visa awarded another ten Canadian women entrepreneurs with $10,000each and coaching to recover, grow and expand their businesses
Originality is at the heart of fashion, which is why we teamed up with luxury bespoke designer Ceeze, to raffle off a custom pair of Poshmark-inspired Jordan 1s and a handcrafted, Poshmark-inspired Broadway Bag.
As we continue to grow our partnerships and improve the representation of diverse vendors and brands, we are excited to launch luxury shoe brand, Rebecca Allen, on