Vanessa Hudgens, the talented actress known for her role in Disney's High School Musical, is making a fresh start with her beauty brand, with a complete rebrand and launch of KNOW Beauty. After an initial launch in 2021 with singer Madison Beer, the brand faced challenges due to its complicated concept of using DNA kits for personalized skincare. The idea didn't resonate with consumers as expected, leading Hudgens and Beer to shut down the brand and rethink their approach.
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Now, Hudgens has teamed up with Cosmos Labs founder and CEO Mary Berry to relaunch KNOW Beauty with a new focus on masks. The brand's hero product is the Glacial Bay Clay Mask, which retails for $35 and is available on Amazon and the KNOW Beauty website. This vegan, cruelty-free clay mask is formulated with Canadian colloidal clay, cucumber, giant sea kelp, and lactic acid, offering a hydrating and spa-like experience for users.
Hudgens passion for skincare comes from her own struggles with acne and her love for masks, particularly clay-based ones. She wanted to create a product that would seamlessly fit into people's skincare routines and help solve problems. With the Glacial Bay Clay Mask, Hudgens aims to fill a niche in the skincare market by providing a mask that doesn't dry out the skin but instead nourishes and hydrates it.
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The relaunch of KNOW Beauty marks a new beginning for Vanessa Hudgens, who is excited to share her creation with others and help them improve their skin and confidence. As the brand continues to grow, it will maintain a "mask-forward" approach, focusing on developing more products in the masking space. With this renewed vision and commitment to quality, Hudgens hopes that KNOW Beauty will make a lasting impact in the world of skincare.
Hudgens and Beer have since parted ways, and Vanessa Hudgens retains sole CEO of the beauty brand.