Athleta, a renowned activewear brand, has recently launched a limited-edition back-to-school collection in collaboration with the celebrated gymnast Simone Biles. This exclusive Athleta Girl collection, unveiled on July 26, 2022, comprises 15 thoughtfully designed items aimed at empowering and inspiring girls aged 6-12 as they embark on their new academic year.
Simone Biles' partnership with Athleta began in 2021 when she signed a long-term deal with the company, focusing particularly on Athleta Girl, which caters to six- to 13-year-olds. In an interview with Louise Radnofsky of the Wall Street Journal, Biles explained her decision to join Athleta, emphasizing that the brand's values aligned with her own, and that they were committed to helping her use her voice to advocate for females and children.
The collaboration allows Biles to design her own activewear line and launch collections for Athleta Girls, the brand's offshoot for kids. The primary objective of her Athleta Girls collection is to motivate young girls to keep moving and pursue their dreams with confidence.
Apart from Simone Biles, Athleta has also partnered with other prominent athletes such as golfer Albane Valenzuela, Jesse “Flex” Labreck from American Ninja Warrior, and paralympic snowboarder Brenna Huckaby. Previously, Nike lost both Simone Biles and Allyson Felix to Athleta in 2021, making them the only ambassadors of the brand until the recent addition of new athletes.
The limited-edition Athleta Girl x Simone Biles collection is now available for purchase in stores and online. To explore the collection and learn more about the collaboration, visit