Hotel Collection: Consumer Trends Report 2024
The “Between The Sheets Consumer Trends Report” by Hotel Collection, released ahead of Valentine’s Day, provides a comprehensive look into the habits and preferences of Americans in the bedroom.
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The "Between The Sheets Consumer Trends Report" by Hotel Collection, released ahead of Valentine's Day, provides a comprehensive look into the habits and preferences of Americans in the bedroom. According to the report, a significant number of people do not wash their sheets as frequently as recommended, with most sleeping in conditions that could be considered unclean.
This is particularly noteworthy given that Valentine's Day ranks as the third most popular day for sexual activities, suggesting that the cleanliness of sheets during this period may be compromised.
The study also reveals that 33% of Americans eat in bed, although the specifics of what they consume were not disclosed. Watching TV is the second most common bed activity, with 65% of respondents engaging in it. Surprisingly, only 60% of those surveyed listed sex as a regular bed activity. Additionally, a concerning 25% of Americans are getting less than six hours of sleep each night.
In terms of hygiene, 61% of Americans share their bed with a partner or spouse, potentially doubling the amount of dirt and grime present. Pets or guests frequent the beds of half the population at least once a week, further contributing to the uncleanliness. Despite 45% of people having sex at least once a week, an equal percentage wash their sheets less frequently than a few times per month.
When it comes to sleep quality, many people report that they experience similar or better sleep in hotels compared to at home. Scent plays a significant role in optimizing sleep, with meditation and white noise being the only more popular methods. Fresh, clean, or soapy fragrances are preferred by 67% of individuals, while 57% favor calming and aromatic scents reminiscent of luxury hotels.
The report also highlights that only 20% of people maintain a strict bedtime or sleep schedule, indicating widespread struggles with sleep consistency. Mindful activities such as meditating and journaling are practiced in bed by 23% of the population.
Summary of Key Trends
Bed behavior
- 33% of Americans "eat" between the sheets (we didn't ask what though)
- The second most popular activity in bed, behind sleep is… watching TV for 65% of people
- Not nearly enough people are having sex, with only 60% listing this as a regular activity
- 1 in 4 people are getting less than six hours of sleep per night
Hopeless hygiene
- Twice as nice – 61% of Americans share their bed with a partner or spouse… that's twice the dirt, sweat and grime.
- Dirt, dander and… 50% of Americans have a guest or pet that ends up on their sheets at least once a week
- 45% of people have sex (between the sheets) at least one time per week or more, and roughly the same amount of people wash their sheets less than a few times per month
Expensive taste
- Most people say that their quality of sleep is either the same or better at a hotel than at home
- Behind meditation and white noise, scent is the third most popular way to optimize sleep
- 67% of people prefer their sheets to smell like fresh, clean or soapy fragrances
- 57% of people would prefer their bedding to smell like calming, peaceful and aromatic fragrances à la The Ritz Carlton or Westin Hotels… bougie
- Only 20% of people keep a strict bedtime or sleep schedule, the rest are struggling
- 23% of people are doing mindful activities like meditating and journaling in bed
The report is based on customer data from November 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, and a national consumer survey of approximately 900 Americans conducted between January 6, 2024, and January 7, 2024.
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